Monday 6 June 2016

Unfathomable Underwater Cave Ordinskaya Aka Orda Cave

Ordinskaya cave is also known as Orda Cave and it is the longest underwater cave of Russia. And second extent in Eurasia and the world's largest gypsum cave. Orda cave is located 100 kilometers south-east of the city of Perm, near the south-western edge of the Horde village, on the river Kungur. Renowned underwater photographer and journalist Victor Lyagushkin and diving instructor Bogdana Vashchenko recently made a dive in the beautiful and inconspicuous area wildlife. In this issue you will see photos taken during their expedition.

Ordinskaya cave is also known as Orda Cave and it is the longest underwater cave of Russia. And second extent in Eurasia and the world's largest gypsum cave.

Orda Cave is located on the eastern outskirts of the village Orda Perm Krai, on the left bank of the river. Kungur. On the border of Europe and Asia. It is the longest underwater cave system, which was discovered in the Soviet Union. Its length is 4,400 meters, a large part is under water, but there are dry section. The longest underwater cave site is 935 meters. In underwater tunnels that cave is very easy to get lost. flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Orda Cave is located on the eastern outskirts of the village Orda Perm Krai, on the left bank of the river. Kungur. On the border of Europe and Asia.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Unreal Photos Of An Underwater Cave In Russia.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Exploring the Longest Underwater Cave in Russia.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Diving in Orda cave.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Diving Russia's Mysterious Ordinskaya Cave.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Russia's Longest Underwater Cave.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Largest Underwater Ordinskaya Cave – Russia

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Diving through Ordinskaya Cave in Russia.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Video: Ordinskaya Caves near Ural Mountains.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

Entrance to the underwater part of the cave.

flickr/Viktor Lyagushkin

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