Monday 13 June 2016

Prague Astronomical Clock | Prague Orloj

Prague Astronomical Clock, Pražský Orloj is medieval astronomical clock tower, installed in the Old Town Square in Prague. Prague Astronomical Clock consists of moving dolls, spheres and calendar. The clock started at the beginning of the 15th century have not only the usual dial, but also astronomical, showing the position of the Sun, the Moon, the North Star, and some constellations. 

Prague Astronomical Clock, Pražský Orloj is medieval astronomical clock tower, installed in the Old Town Square in Prague.

Every hour the skeleton which is symbol of death - begins in the procession of figures. With one hand he pulls the bell rope, and the other picks up the hourglass. Fight hours accompanied by a procession of the Apostles in the small window at the top of the chimes, which opened at the beginning of the march and closed afterwards. The procession ends with a loud cry of the cock, flap their wings in a niche above the windows. Following this sounds chimes, batters each hour of the day. The figures of the Apostles and the rooster adds Turk side view chimes. Turk shakes his head as a sign of reluctance to give up its aggressive policy (a reminder of the Turkish invasion of Central Europe in the XVI-XVII centuries). The two figures on the left side of bells - the allegory of human avarice and vanity. Every hour, everything is repeated from the beginning. This kind of representation is shown with a few interruptions for more than 600 years. All original figures chimes burned during the shelling of Prague in May 1945, copies were created in 1948. flickr/John Ford

Round sphere in the middle of the astronomical clock shows the time and the movement of the sun and the moon among the constellations of the zodiac signs in accordance with the medieval worldview that considers the Earth center of the universe. Third, the later time of occurrence of the chimes - Calendar - decorated with drawings. 12 on the inside - with the constellations of the zodiac, and 12 from the outside - with scenes of village life and the individual months of the year. On both sides of the calendar posted: Angel figure with a sword, and a shield with a rod and three pieces of citizens, which is a symbol of the fair city management.

Prague Astronomical Clock is 600 years old.

Prague Astronomical Clock is located in capital of Czech Republic.

Every hour the skeleton which is symbol of death - begins in the procession of figures.

Prague Astronomical Clock aka Pražský Orloj.

Prague Astronomical Clock unique clock.

Prague Astronomical Clock consists of moving dolls, spheres and calendar.


Prague Astronomical Clock consists of moving dolls, spheres and calendar.

Prague Astronomical Clock consists of moving dolls, spheres and calendar.


Prague Astronomical Clock consists of moving dolls, spheres and calendar.

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